Upcoming Events
One day hands on workshop
Thursday, 6 March 2025. 10:00am to 5pm, Kochi
One day hands on workshop for beginner level, for professionals, entrepreneurs, consultants, freelancers, home based businesses, to market our products and services. on our social media. Tips to gain more leads & clients from our social media digital marketing.
A Conference for 14 to 16 year-olds
Teen Summer Conference 2025
Let’s come together to provide an enriching three-day conference for our teens, curated by Mind Mojo and Sherine Deepak. The event is designed to equip teenagers with essential life skills and insights. Topics are those that are not dealt with, in schools or most homes.
Past Events
The ultimate 5 days workshop for pregnant couples.
Sundays, 7, 14, 21, 28 July and 4 August 9:30am to 1pm, Jawahar Nagar, Kochi
The workshops will enable the mother-to-be access creative energy, learn to listen to the body's signals, develop healthy coping skills, reduce burnout, stress & fear, bond with the unborn child, explore the new role as a parent, and become confident to trust oneself, body and mind.
A Conference for 14 to 16 year-olds
Online - 27, 28, 29 April 2024 (7pm to 9pm IST)
Teen Conference 2024
Join us for an enriching three-day workshop presented by Mind Mojo and Sherine Deepak, designed to equip teenagers with essential life skills and insights. These are topics that are not dealt with in schools or in most homes. The participants get to meet mentors with rich experience and also make new friends at the conference.
A one-day workshop on
Sunday, 17 December, 2023. 9:30am to 5pm
Venue: ICTA Santigram, Pathadippalam (between Edappally and Kalamassery), Kochi.
Building Relationships
We are all unique individuals coming from unique families and backgrounds. No two families are similar because the people in those units are unique. We learn our first lessons on how to relate with others, from our homes. We go through our own trials, tribulations and traumas and take this along into adulthood. This is carried into our close and intimate relationships too.
Changes in the relationship happens only when there is a change in the way we speak, act or respond. It is possible. Every word, every action we do or do not do is an investment into our relationship. Let’s invest in our relationships with awareness. What can we do to make our relationships more joyful and peaceful? Come explore.
A workshop
Sunday, 23 April, 2023. 10 am to 4 pm IST
Venue: Cochin International School, Pookkattupady, Kochi
Making single parenting easier
Parenting is no cake walk, single parenting less so. The care work, responsibilities to your child, your extended family and even taking a break cannot be divided and shared. There is no changing hands and one can feel overwhelmed.
How do we manoeuvre through all this? How do we take care of our physical and mental health? How do we ensure that we do not burn out? How do we ultimately give a healthy environment to our child and ourselves?
An online workshop
Sunday, 2nd April, 2023. 10 am to 12:30 pm IST
Intimacy intelligence
Relationships are challenging and intimacy a tad more. We bring our childhood baggage, past experiences and pre-conceived notions into our relationships. This may or may not work for the people involved. How do we manoeuvre through all this and find joy in the companionship of our intimate partners?
A 5 days online conference for 13 to 16 year olds.
Teen Conference 2022
Monday, 18 April 2022 to Friday, 22 April 2022. 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm IST.
This is a 5 days’ conference for 13-16 year old teens. The mentors have years of experience and expertise. The following are the topics that shall be covered in the conference.
  • Setting Goals
  • Managing Your Money
  • Love, Sex and Safety
  • Cyber Safety
  • Managing your mind and emotions
  • Mindfulness
A 5 days online workshop for couples.
Monday to Friday, every week starting 24th January, 2022, 7- 8:30pm IST. Limited seats.
Many of us get lost in everyday life and enter monotony as time goes by. This slowly eats into our intimate relationship too and before we know it, we have drifted away from our partner.
Having a partner in life is a blessing if we make a conscious effort to keep it a blessing. Relationships do not happen by magic. Every day, it is an investment by both people involved. Every word we speak or do not speak, every action we take or do not take contributes to the wholeness of the relationship or the erosion of it. It has to be a conscious decision as to how we want our relationship to be. This decision enables us to pave a path. Many a times, our backgrounds, our experiences and personalities contribute in healthy or unhealthy ways, knowingly or unknowingly to our partnership. What we all ultimately want is to be loved, cherished, respected, wanted and desired. It is possible to have a loving and understanding partnership, provided we are committed to contributing to it with awareness.
Online Session
One on one or group session
The 21 days Personal Development Program
For adults, 18 and above
This is an intensive program for 3 weeks to take you through a journey of growth. We give you the tools and mentoring to reach your higher potential. We will also walk with you for another 3 months to handhold whenever you need it.